Down Under Digital


I’m glad that we are not having a White Christmas here in Seattle. The rain has come in and washed away the ice and snow so travel is now possible. #Xmas #snow #ice #rain


I actually did what I should have done before posting the previous post about my not being able to move the Obsidian window. I posted my question to Duck Duck Go and received the answer.


I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong in my use of Obsidian on MacOS but I’m not able to move the application window I can resize it but not move it. #MacOS #Obsidian.


We had a little bit of snow around here in Edmonds, Washington over the last few hours. #photography #X100V #Snow #Edmonds #PNW

Snow Edmonds Snohomish County Washington State 16


I would think that flickr joining the Fediverse via activitypub would be a win win situation.


Reversing possible rightwing drift in political reporting at NPR. #politics #radio #Trump


Looks like no more snow at the moment. Just enough to make it look like the Christmas season. #photography #Seattle #Edmonds


Just a little snow here in Edmonds to the north of Seattle. #photography #snow #x100v


I’m not sure if this mailbox is big enough for all of the holiday mail we are sending out.


I’m surprised to see some foliage colors still hanging on here in Seattle even though we are well into December. #IPhone


I suppose at some point I should again attempt to download all of my old tweets. I had no idea that I had so many but they do accoumulate over the years. The last time I tried to do this I got nowhere.


I’m now updating my iPhone to iOS 14.2 and I suppose I’ll be doing the same for my other Apple devices.


Earlier this evening I finally got a clear shot of the Olympics from Edmonds Marina Beach Park #PacificNW #Washington


Good to know this continues to be the case. Podcsting is apparently doing well thanks to RSS.


I seem to be up and running again using wifi on my iMac. There was some sort of strange problem with my VPN but I’m relieve that it does not appear to be hardware related.


[Here’s( the link at red sweater that shows how to make the MarsEdit Flickr connection.


I’m really glad to see that MarsEdit still continues to support Flickr even if it’s not actively promoted. It continues to work well and saves time when I need to link to one of my Flickr photos. By the way this photo was taken with my iPhone 14 Pro. #photography

Richmond Beach Saltwater Park King County Washington State 3


THe iMac sees a strong wifi signal, but that doesn’t seem to help. Maybe it’s time to checkout xfinity, as I’ve also been having issues with my Kindle not even seeing the T-Mobile signal despite beng able to pick up a number of surrounding wifi signals.


Having strange connectivity issues with T-Mobile 5G Home Device. It connects with my Macbook Air but randomly (about once a day) stops working for my 2017 iMac. very frustrating. This entry is being sent from my Macbook Air while I wait for the iMac to start communicating again with the outside world!


Testing sending an entry with a photo from MarsEdit 5 to Mastodon via

IMG 7766

And now for something completely different. Here are some photos of the Andromeda Galaxy. Is there life out there?


This Real ID news is one more thing to keep track of.


The Kansas City Star has some choice things to say about the Republican Party and it’s relationship with the ex-president.


This new advanced Data Protection, etc announced by Apple is something I’m quite excited about. Looks like another update on my iPhone is needed, of course.


We’ve just restarted a subscription to Naked Wine from which we were having boxes of wine delivered to our house in Atlanta a couple of years ago. The first box, containing 15 bottles of red wine, has just arrived at our new Edmonds Condo.